Safety Information – Sodium Hypo Chlorite
Sodium hypo Chlorite is hazardous cargo.
- Chemical formula: NaOCl
- CAS No. : 7681-52-9
- UN No. : 1791
- Hazard Class: 8
- Appearance: Pale yellowish watery liquid with strong Chlorine smell.
- Stability: Unstable Solution. Exposure to heat and direct sunlight as well as contamination with acids, contact with heavy metals (nickel, cobalt and iron), ammonia, ether, organic and inorganic chemicals may result in decomposition
- Storage and Handling: Keep away direct sunlight and heat. Store in cool ventilated warehouse. Metal surfaces that may get in contact should be coated with epoxy or chemical resistant coatings. Handle with care without haste wearing gloves, masks and goggles. Use protective clothing and take care to avoid splashing on to other materials and fabric as Sodium hypo Chlorite is a strong bleach. Always wash hands with soap and plenty of water before eating, smoking or using toilets.
- Warning: Ingestion of Sodium hypo Chlorite may cause irritation in mouth and throat, stomach pain and ulcer. Inhalation of Sodium hypo Chlorite may cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
- Accidental Release Measures: In case of spills or leaks, ventilate the area. If the spills or leaks are tremendous evacuate unprotected personnel from the area. Neutralize with Sodium Sulfite, bisulfite or thiosulphite. Remove to storage vessels with vacuum pumps. Sand , clay or suitable material may be put on the residue as absorbent. Soaked up residue with the absorbent may be stored in container for disposal. Flush the area with plenty of water to completely remove the traces.
First Aid Measures:
a)Ingestion: Give water or large quantities of milk to the victim if he/she is conscious. Do not give vinegar, baking soda or acidic antidotes. Do not give liquids to an unconscious victim. Get immediate medical attention.
b)Inhalation: Remove the victim to fresh air at once.
c)Skin: Wash with soap and water. Use plenty of water to wash.
d)Eyes: Wash with plenty of water. Get medical attention at the earliest. Wearing of contact lenses should be avoided while handling this chemical.
Disposal: Dispose in accordance with local governmental regulations. Do not neutralize with sulphates or bisulphates. Use only weak reducing agents such as Sodium sulfite, bisulfite or thiosulfite.